Dublin is an international capital city and is the economic engine of the region and state. Dublin City Council seeks to enhance the city's attraction as a place in which to invest, to work, to live and to visit. The City Council takes the lead role in shaping the strategic vision for the city. It provides a diverse, multi-layered and evolving range of services to both citizens and visitors to Dublin, which includes the provision of housing, planning, development, environmental, roads and traffic, leisure and community services.
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is a shared service operation, operating under the aegis of Dublin City Council as the lead Statutory Authority in the Dublin Region in respect of the co-ordination of responses to homelessness on behalf of Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council.
The DRHE provides a range of supports and services to the Dublin Joint Homeless Consultative Forum and Statutory Management Group. It has specific responsibilities for the operational coordination of the Homelessness Action Plan framework for Dublin 2022 - 2024, regional service provision and the disbursement of Section 10 funding for homeless services and in commissioning new service provision. It also provides a range of shared services to the sector as well as Government Departments through the implementation of the National Shared Client Database (PASS), the development of quality standards for Homeless Services and The Housing First National Implementation Plan 2022 — 2026.
For more information on the Dublin Region Homeless Executive, please see www.homelessdublin.ie
An opportunity now exists in Dublin City Council for the position of Deputy Director, Dublin Region Homeless Executive.
The Deputy Director, Dublin Region Homeless Executive will report to the Director and work with the Executive Team responsible for ensuring delivery of integrated services for homeless people throughout the Dublin Region. Operating in a challenging environment, the role holder will work to continuously improve the quality and type of responses to prevent, protect and progress those at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in the Dublin Region.
They are also responsible for developing and maintaining partnership and co-ordination between the relevant statutory bodies involved in homeless services and researching causes of and trends in homelessness and developing innovative responses aimed at addressing homelessness in a responsive and focused manner with all stakeholders.
A full list of essential requirements is available in the Information Booklet.
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