Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons who wish to be considered for inclusion on a panel from which temporary vacancies for the position of Sports Development Officer(Specific Purpose Contract) in Monaghan County Council shall be filled. The Sports Development Officer will work under the control of the Sports Co-ordinator, or other officers designated by the Director of Services or Chief Executive within Monaghan Sports Partnership.
Sports Partnership
Sport Ireland supported the establishment of Local Sports Partnerships around the country to co-ordinate and to promote the development of sport. The key aims of Sports Partnerships are to increase participation in sport and to ensure that local resources are used to best effect. Sport Ireland sees these partnerships as the best mechanism for delivering recreational sport to the greatest number of people.
Sport Ireland and its network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) is committed to the equal treatment of all people when it comes to their participation in sport. In addition to the Sport Ireland Statement of Strategy (2023-2027), the following national policies and plans set out the overarching framework under which sports participation is underpinned:
The National Sports Policy 2018-2027 recognises the important contribution sport makes to Ireland and the key roles played by the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), the Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) and the representative sporting organisations in the delivery of that contribution.
The National Physical Activity Plan aims to increase physical activity levels across the whole population. It aims to create a society which facilitates people whether at home at work or at play to lead an active way of life.
The National Participation Plan sets out how Sport Ireland will deliver on the ambition of both the Sport Ireland Strategy and the National Sports Policy
Monaghan Sports Partnership has committed to providing physical activity opportunities for all people in its ambition of “More people, more active, more often”.
Monaghan Sports Partnership is looking to fulfill the role of the Sports Development Officer to work towards meeting the objectives of all relevant plans listed above.
The Sports Development Officer (SDO) will work in a coordinating capacity with all relevant stakeholders to increase and sustain participation opportunities for all population groups within the county under specific programmes of work in a drive to increase participation in sport and physical activity.
The Sports Development Officer (Specific Purpose Contract) shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned in relation to employment and carry out such instructions as may be given in relation to the performance of their duties. Specific tasks of the SDO will be determined locally having regard to the overall job purpose (as set out above) with reference to the national policies and plans and Monaghan Sports Partnership Strategic Plan.
The programmes of work will be devised from Monaghan Sports Partnership annual operational plans with specific focus on the following as an indicative list from which the Sports Development Officer tasks may be drawn depending on the above factors.
The main duties of the post will include: -
Facilitating and supporting the delivery of initiatives which will develop and expand the range of opportunities for all the people of Monaghan to more fully participate in recreational, sporting and physical activity with a particular focus on Women in Sport, Schools, Local Communities and Sports Clubs. The project officer will utilise the programme budget the Sports Partnership has secured from its lead body, Sport Ireland, and other partner agencies.
Developing School – Community – sports club links and pathways for participation
Designing and supporting Community Sports Hub development in designated areas and integrated participative recreational activity
Delivering Active Communities based initiatives in designated areas of the county
Developing opportunities for multiple opportunities for sport and physical activity in the community – advocacy
Day- to-day communication, organisation, and administration of above areas of work
Overseeing use of budgets and monthly income and expenditure for all funded projects
Facilitating and promoting the implementation of training courses specific to volunteers in sport
Working in collaboration with service providers and agencies with similar population group interests.
Research & Planning
Implementing the objectives of Monaghan Sports Partnership with a view of reviewing and making recommendations on operational plans regarding the participation of people in sport and physical activity within School, Community, and established sports club settings
Understanding through research, data collection and consultation, the levels of participation of people in sport and physical activity, taking account of socio-economic, gender, demographic and other factors.
Assessing levels of programme and service provision by relevant agencies targeted at encouraging increased quality of and participation opportunities for people in sport and physical activity
Assessing levels of accessibility of sport and physical activity facilities
Identifying level of uptake of sporting opportunities created, additional members to clubs, membership of clubs created, etc.
Proving regular analysis of the level of participation and development of sport and physical activity for people within the county.
Engagement and Support
Creating and sustain partnerships with voluntary, public, and commercial sector partners that support the development and sustainability of sport and physical activity within the county.
Promoting an inclusive philosophy both within the Local Sports Partnership and throughout the county in mainstream activity through a close working relationship with the Sports Inclusion Disability Officer and specific focus on encouraging and supporting sport and physical activity providers to commit to National the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter.
Developing and sustain effective working relationships with the National Governing Bodies of Sport operating within the county to increase the range and choice of sport and physical activity opportunities
Providing guidance and support to community-based organisations (clubs, leisure/fitness centres, schools, third level colleges, adventure providers etc.) to enhance their capacity to facilitate increased participation opportunities
Working with the Monaghan Sports Partnership team of officers/tutors to strategically support the creation of and further enhancement of existing clubs/sessions to provide increased opportunities for people to participate at all levels within sport and physical activity.
Building positive relationships with services providers, community organisations within the county to heighten awareness of sport and physical activity opportunities.
Forming a working relationship with Sports Development Officers in other Counties that will be instrumental to shaping the delivery of sport and physical activity opportunities across Ireland. This will include national networking/training events, sharing information and support, and working as part of working groups tasked with contributing to the development of national resources/training.
Training & Development
Identifying the training needs across the sport and physical sector within the county specific to the participation of people in sport and physical activity.
Supporting and promoting training opportunities to understand the benefits of participating in sport and physical activity, enhancing awareness of participation opportunities that exist in addition to promoting and supporting people to become coaches, instructors, leaders in sport within the county.
Advocacy/Communication and Promotion
Promoting and encouraging the participation and involvement of people to; take up roles in sport and physical activity programmes, volunteer, coaching/instructing, committee and advisory roles.
Informing people of these roles in sport and physical activity through targeted production and provision of information, ensuring all information is shared in appropriate accessible formats.
Enhancing the recognition and promotion of quality inclusive practice across the sport and physical activity sector in the county.
Providing appropriate channels for people to champion and share their experiences, challenges, and needs in relation to participation in sport and physical activity.
The Sports Development Officer will be responsible to the management of Monaghan Sports Partnership, with the officer having the advantage of benefiting from an established support structure, availing of training opportunities, sharing of expertise and resources and networking opportunities provided through engagement and support from Sport Ireland and the Local Sports Partnership network.
These duties are indicative rather than exhaustive and outline the main functions and responsibilities of the post of the Sports Development Officer and may be subject to change in the future.The post holder may therefore be required to perform duties appropriate to the post, other than those detailed above and to take instruction from and report to an appropriate officer or such designated officer as may be assigned from time to time by Monaghan County Council.