The post of Little Library Co-ordinator is required to co-ordinate and deliver the public libraries national Little Library programme, including the Children’s Fund Project. The co-ordinator is responsible for a wide variety of activities that are central to the delivery of the programme and for co-ordinating the implementation of the actions in The Library is the Place national public library strategy 2023-27 and Little Library Programme actions in the National Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033.
Actions in The Library is the Place:
We will work with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the early learning and care sector to develop the Little Library Programme, and provide uniform levels of literacy and reading development supports for early childhood
We will partner with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, to fully develop the First 5 Little Library initiative supporting all children aged five and under to become library members, informed by evidence-based assessment.
Actions in the National Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy:
1.1.2. Mainstream the My Little Library Initiative
Every child starting school (4 to 6 years) will be offered a book bag which may contain books in English and Irish, a library card wallet and materials for parents on supporting transitions. Stories that introduce early mathematical concepts may be featured
Little Book at Bedtime, every child under 4 will be offered a storybook to keep, in English or Irish, plus supportive material for parents on the value of reading with young children. Stories that introduce early mathematical concepts may be featured.
1.1.3. Expand the My Little Libraries Initiative.
Introduce the Tiny Little Library Initiative. Make books available to the neo natal special care units (NICU) for parents to read to their babies.
Introduce the Reading for Fun Initiative by making children’s books available in the visitor centres of prisons and replicate this collection of books in prison libraries for parents to become familiar with the books and the value of reading with children
Explore current family literacy programmes, including digital literacy, and broader parenting support programmes which encompass literacy, particularly initiatives that seek to encourage the participation of marginalised groups with a view to expanding provision in this area.
Explore a family literacy module that could be rolled out in partnership with DEIS schools and Adult Literacy services.
Review the ‘Story Street Project’ pilot, which aims to establish a partnership between library services and Family Resource Centres in the delivery of structured support for reading for disadvantaged families and consider mainstreaming delivery of the programme
For further information see Candidate Information Booklet.
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