Wicklow County Council is the Local Government Authority for County Wicklow and is responsible for the delivery of the full range of services. Wicklow County Council seeks to enhance the county’s attraction as a place in which to invest, work, and live, and takes the lead role in shaping the strategic vision of the county. It provides a diverse, multi-layered and evolving range of services to both citizens and visitors to County Wicklow, which include the provision of housing, planning, development, environmental, roads and traffic, leisure and community services. It also has an enhanced role in leading out economic and community development in the County. The Council works in partnership with other state, public and private bodies in the delivery of critical infrastructure and shared services.
The 2025 annual revenue budget for the local authority is approximately €168 million. The Council also continues to invest in the infrastructure of the county and through its Capital Investment Programme.
The day to day running of the Council is the responsibility of the Chief Executive and the Management Team.
An opportunity now exists in Wicklow County Council for the position of Senior Engineer.
Reporting to a Director of Service, the Senior Engineer is charged with the efficient management, direction and development of the directorates/department and function to which they are assigned. Managers at this level work within defined parameters relevant to the position, in accordance with the local authority’s vision and objectives as set out in its Corporate Plan. Delivery of efficient services and value for money is crucial. The Senior Engineer will be required to work closely with the Senior Management Team and Elected Members to deliver the full range of services, implement local policy decisions and deliver on strategic corporate objectives and in accordance with the general policy direction of the elected council at both full Council and Municipal District level.
A full list of essential requirements is available in the Information Booklet.
publicjobs is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and encourages applications under all nine grounds of the Employment Equality Act.
Visit www.publicjobs.ie to apply.
Closing Date: 3pm Thursday 27th March 2025
Further information is available in the Candidate Information Booklet available on the www.publicjobs.ie website.
The recruitment campaign for this role is managed by the Public Appointments Service.