Cork County Council invites applications from suitably qualified persons, who wish to be considered for inclusion on a panel from which permanent and temporary vacancies for IS Project Developer (Grade 6) may be filled.
The Digital & ICT Directorate manages Cork County Council’s IT environment including the networks, information systems and applications that are required to support the operation of the council’s services across housing, planning, roads, tourism, libraries, economic development etc. The directorate consists of two sections one Enterprise Business Services dealing with Business Applications, Data, Service Design and the M365 platform and the second Enterprise Technology Services with responsibility for the council’s Infrastructure, Security and Service Management services. The directorate is located in County Hall, Cork.
The IS Analyst/Developer’s role may span one or more areas of expertise. There are 2 streams, or areas of specialism, in this campaign with opportunities to be placed on panels as follows:
Stream 1 – IS Business Analyst/Developer/M365 Analyst
Stream 2 – IS Service Designer/Data Analyst/Developer
Candidates can apply for positions in either one or both streams so long as they meet the relevant essential qualifications and experience criteria set out in Section 3.
Successful candidates will be encouraged and supported to undertake further training and certification to build expertise in the area they are appointed to.
The IS Analyst/Developer may be required to provide flexibility in their hours of attendance. Successful candidates should also be aware that the dynamic and flexible environment within which the IT team operates may require them to fulfil other roles in the broader IT field as and when there is a business requirement to do so.
The IS Analyst/Developer will work with users to formulate system or technology requirements; develop system or technical plans and documentation; review and evaluate existing systems; and design, modify and manage systems or technical solutions and processes to meet the organisations’ business needs. The primary objective is implementing and supporting technology solutions that enable the work of the council. The duties may include but are not limited to the following and the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.
Stream 1 Duties - IS Business Analyst/Developer/ M365 Analyst
The IS Business Analyst/Developer/M365 Analyst role will suit candidates with an interest in further developing their ICT career in areas such as software and applications procurement and implementation, project management, business analysis/ discovery, application testing, software lifecycle management and contract management. This will include projects exploiting the functionality on the Microsoft 365 platform including SharePoint, Teams and Document Management and Retention functionality.
It will also suit people interested in working with spatial data; developing administrating and supporting GIS corporate solutions and GIS data distribution.
Role Description & Responsibilities
Further information is available in the Candidate Information Booklet available on our website
County Hall
Carrigrohane Road
Cork County Council
County Library Building, Carrigrohane Rd, Cork